Terms and conditions

Article 1. Definitions

  1. The coach/counselor: Alida Schat integrative coaching and counseling.

  2. The client: the counterparty to Alida Schat integrative coaching and counseling.

  3. Coaching, counseling, or other incidental services provided by the coach/counselor on behalf of the client.

  4. Program: an agreement concerning multiple individual services/activities and/or an agreement from which individual services/activities are carried out over an extended period.

Article 2. Applicability

  1. These General Terms and Conditions apply exclusively to all agreements between the coach/counselor and the client, with the express exclusion of other General Terms and Conditions.

  2. Acceptance of a price agreement or the establishment and/or continuation of an agreement in any other manner implies that the client has accepted the application of these General Terms and Conditions and has waived the applicability of any general terms and conditions of the client.

  3. Deviations from these General Terms and Conditions will only be effective if confirmed in writing by the coach/counselor.

Article 3. Formation and Modification of Agreement

  1. An agreement may concern either a program or individual services/activities. The sessions last one hour of 60 minutes.

  2. An agreement between the coach/counselor and the client is established through the client’s written acceptance of the price agreement or oral confirmation of an individual consultation.

  3. Changes or additions to the agreement will only take effect once both parties have confirmed them in writing or, in the case of an individual consultation, orally.

Article 4. Duration of Agreement and Termination

The agreement can be terminated in the following ways:

  1. a) The coach/counselor indicates that the agreed number of sessions is completed and wishes to terminate the counseling/coaching;

  2. b) The client indicates that he/she wishes to terminate the counseling/coaching;

  3. c) The client sends the coach/counselor a letter or email indicating the desire to terminate the agreement and specifying the effective date;

  4. d) The coach/counselor sends the client a letter stating that the agreement has been terminated. This only occurs when:

    • The client repeatedly fails to respond to written or telephone contact attempts;

    • The client indicates adherence to the mutually established treatment plan;

    • The client repeatedly fails to comply with the general provisions of this treatment agreement or with agreements made during the sessions;

    • The coach/counselor believes that, due to the client’s issues, she is not competent to guide the client. This is particularly the case when the issues are directly related to contraindications.

Article 5. Cancellation

  1. Cancellation of appointments for individuals must be made no later than 24 hours before the scheduled time.

  2. The following cancellation conditions apply to consultations: – Consultations canceled within 24 hours or within two working days before the appointment will be fully charged.

Article 6. Confidentiality, Record Management, and Right of Access

  1. The coach/counselor will treat all information concerning the client obtained during the execution of her services confidentially and will not disclose this information to third parties unless the coach/counselor is obliged to do so or has obtained permission from the client.

  2. The coach/counselor will, in accordance with prior agreements, provide quantitative reports on programs upon request from the client, in compliance with privacy laws.

Article 7. Rates, Invoicing, and Payment

  • Services for clients will be invoiced by the coach/counselor as agreed.

  • The client pays a fee per session. The fee is agreed upon in advance and is paid either immediately or within 14 days of the invoice date.

Article 8. Liability

  1. The coach/counselor’s service provision constitutes a best-efforts obligation.

  2. The coach/counselor does not provide any (medical) guarantees and is not liable for any adverse consequences resulting from the client providing incorrect or incomplete information, or from the client failing to provide known and available information contained in medical records from a doctor/specialist or other practitioner.

  3. The coach/counselor adheres to the provisions of the Medical Treatment Agreement Act (WGBO) and the ethical and other professional codes applicable to her profession.

  4. The client is aware that they contribute to the learning process of the therapist, counselor in training. Participation in therapy is at their own risk. The client is responsible for monitoring their own psychological or physical boundaries. In the event of physical and/or psychological issues, the client will be referred to their general practitioner/attending physician or a qualified and specialized therapist.

Article 10. Training Program

  1. For the purpose of the coach’s training and professional development, the guidance program may be anonymized and discussed in peer supervision and supervision. The supervisor is registered with the Ambulatorium of the Dutch Academy for Psychotherapy and acts on behalf of the coach. The supervisor has the right to advise the coach on whether to stop coaching or refer the client if the client’s problem or request for help is, in the supervisor’s judgment, beyond the therapeutic, counseling, or coaching competence. Since the coach reports to the supervisor, the supervisor has only indirect insight into the content and form of the coaching performed, as well as its effect.

  2. The client agrees that their case may be anonymized and discussed. The coach, as well as colleagues (in training) and trainers, are bound by the professional code and the professional oath of confidentiality. If the client has feedback about the coach and/or the form of treatment, approach, or method, the client should first inform their coach. If this does not lead to a satisfactory solution, the client may address their question, feedback, or complaint exclusively and in writing to the coordinator of the Ambulatorium of the Dutch Academy for Psychotherapy. This information will be treated confidentially by all parties involved.

Article 11. Applicable Law and Disputes

  1. Dutch law applies to the services of the coach/counselor.

  2. In disputes arising from or related to the services of the coach/counselor, which fall within the competence of the court, the Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction.

Haarlem, June 2024
Registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number 73073

*The Medical Treatment Agreement Act (WGBO) contains regulations for both clients and coaches. This treatment agreement is based on the WGBO. The WGBO includes, among other things, the right to information, required consent for minors, the right to access this file, and confidentiality of client data. This treatment agreement is drafted according to the guidelines of the Dutch Association for Psychotherapy (NAP) and the European Association for Psychotherapy.